What is Retinol? And Why you Should Be Using it Now

What is a retinol and what everyone should used one

By: Caroline Vazzana

As someone who is a self-proclaimed skincare junky, I’ve tried it all. From moisturizers, to serums, eye creams, and toners, you name it; I’ve most likely tried it. I really do believe that the secret to looking flawless isn’t finding the perfect foundation; it all begins with flawless skin. But, one thing I surprisingly had never tried before now was a retinol product. Why you ask? Well, there are a few reasons. I’ve always associated retinols with being super expensive, so why did I want to invest all of this money into a product I wasn’t even sure was going to work? Which brings me to my next point-does it even work? Is it worth it? Because aside from being expensive, if it’s not going to work then why take the risk? And lastly, I wasn’t sure how my skin would personally react to it, would I break out? I don’t often wear that much makeup, so I wasn’t sure if I was willing to risk my skin.

Fast forward to four weeks ago when I discovered the Olay Retinol 24, everything changed. I’ve been using Olay products for as long as I can remember, so I instantly wanted to try the Retinol 24. Once you find a skincare brand you love and trust, incorporating one of their newest products into your regimen, even if it’s a retinol, isn’t too scary. I knew that Olay products work well for my skin and I’ve personally, deep down, been wanting to try a retinol, I’ve just honestly been too intimated. Especially after turning 27 this past August, yes I know 27 is still young, but it’s important to get ahead of the curve and start giving your skin some love now before it’s too late. So, I decided it was time, and I set out to try Olay’s Retinol 24 over the past four weeks. And did I mention that it’s SO AFFORDABLE? What’s not to love?

I personally tried out all of the Olay Retinol 24 products, the serum, the eye cream, and the moisturizer-but my favorite was definitely, if I had to choose one, the moisturizer. It was super easy to incorporate into my regimen. But, as you're reading this you're probably asking yourself, "okay, Caroline, but what does a retinol really do?" From what I experienced, in less than 24 hours my skin instantly looked smoother and brighter! My skin also after a few days looked tighter and I had a natural glow, which made applying my daily makeup routine each morning even easier-full disclosure, I didn’t have to wear any makeup because my skin was looking that good. And as far as negative side effects go, I didn’t personally experience any with Olay's Retinol 24. All I did was seamlessly replace my other moisturizer with the Olay Retinol 24 and bam-I instantly started seeing affects without having to add a whole other step to my daily routine-it was that simple!

So what are you waiting for? I’ve fallen in love with the Olay Retinol 24 and now you can too! Click here to learn more and join the Retinol 24 movement. I promise, you can thank me later!

Thank you Olay for partnering with me on this post!

what is retinol

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