Why a Quarantine Beauty Routine is Essential

Photo Credit: StyleCaster

Photo Credit: StyleCaster

By: Rachel Shubayeva

The world is a confusing place right now. This new reality can feel strange and misleading, which is why it’s beneficial to let your skincare routine be that little island of comfort you need. This global pandemic has us rethinking our lives and everything that’s happened, so it may just be time to rethink how you’ve been treating your face and body, too, for the better. Whether you’re working from home or are job hunting, we all have more time than we used to, so why not explore?

Maintaining a skincare routine even if nobody sees you all day is crucial. It brings structure to the day and sets a time for you to focus on yourself. Think of it as an expression of self-love, type of meditation and empowerment at the same time. It’s also simply hygienic to wash your face when you wake up and before bed, and choosing a specific day for exfoliating just helps you guess what day of the week it is more accurately. Also, a bit of toner and moisturizer will help pull off that no-makeup look before FaceTiming your parents.

Remember to cleanse and moisturize twice a day

We all know that washing your face is as important as brushing your teeth, but it has extra benefits in quarantine. If you wake up 5 minutes before your Zoom meeting, cleansing will not only wake you up, but make it easier to pretend you’ve been up for a while (especially if you use cool water - it reduces puffiness), and a good moisturizer will give your skin a glow.

It may seem that our face “stays cleaner” now that we don’t go out and aren’t affected by air pollution as much, but we shouldn’t forget about all the dust in the house (even though you’ve likely been cleaning obsessively all month). The same goes for moisturizing - being around the AC a lot can cause irritation and even dry patches. 

You can step up your game and try double-cleansing if you are looking to even out your skin tone or have acne scars or blackheads. To do so, use an oil cleanser first, followed by one that is water-based.


Exfoliating a couple of times a week helps the skin rejuvenate by removing dead cells, and cleans out pores, making them appear smaller. It also reduces the chance of breaking out. You can use a natural exfoliator or a liquid solution if you have acne-prone skin. 

Try castor oil

Castor oil helps your eyelashes and brows grow stronger and faster. The result will be especially visible if you are taking a break from brow gels and mascara. Also, by the end of the quarantine, you might not even need any extensions.

Discover the world of face massage and face yoga

Whether you have a jade roller or not, daily face massage will keep your skin lifted and glowing. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, which is why it’s recommended to tone the muscles on your face just like you would on your body. You can learn some exercises and techniques here!

Deep clean your pores

Give yourself a nice old-fashion face steam with a couple drops of essential oil for that “at-the-spa” feeling. Steaming helps open your pores and softens the layer of dead skin (recommended to exfoliate after!). Bring a pot of water to boil, carefully take it off the stove and move it to the bathroom. You can add an essential oil of your choice (lavender is a great option), put a towel over your head, and let the steam gently run over your face for 5-10 minutes. Be careful not to put your face too close to the pot, and avoid steaming overall if you have underlying skin conditions (i.e. rosacea).

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