The Unexpected Style Hero of Fall, Sweater Vests

sweater vests to shop

By: Caroline Vazzana

The last time I wore a sweater vest was probably in 6th grade. I went to a private school, and yes, our uniforms had sweater vests and knee high socks. So, you could imagine when I finally got to college, and could actually dress myself everyday, I was bursting at the seems to start experimenting with fashion. So this fall season, when I started seeing sweater vests pop up all over, first on Tik Tok, and now on Instagram- I was extremely hesitant to adopt the trend. I felt like I’d instantly look like a more updated version of my tacky school uniform, a style phase I try to forget. Finally though, I was scrolling through Tik Tok, and hate to admit, that I was #influenced by someone who I saw buy a pastel colored sweater vest from Zara, see above. After bringing the vest home and eventually forcing myself to try it on, I actually loved how it looked. Are sweater vests actually cool again? My personal vote is yes. Scroll down as I round up a few fun sweater vests that I have now personally classified as the “unexpected style hero of fall” - enjoy!

Alessandra Rich

Not your grandmas sweater vest, pair this one with some oversized vintage Levi’s and a plain white tee.

Alessandra Rich vest, $555;


A subtle touch of Gucci makes any outfit more fun.

Gucci cable knit vest, $825;


Ruffles + sweater = a MUST HAVE!

Ruffle sweater vest, $50;


Always one for bright, bold color, we love MSGMs take on the sweater vest.

MSGM sweater vest, $230;


This option just looks so cozy! Pair it with a sequin skirt and boots.

ERL reversible vest, $335;


Borrowed from the boys, I love a super oversized option.

Storets cable knit vest, $64;


And then of course, the one I’m wearing above! I love the idea of working pastel colors into your fall wardrobe and I fell head over heels in love with this sweater vest when I saw it which ultimately inspired this whole story!

Striped knit vest, $36;

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